Nasulicz & Nosow Digital Dentistry Centre
Making appointments and access to the office
access by car
The car can be left in the nearby parking lot at Nowy Targ Square or in GaleriaDominikańska.
When planning your arrival time, please take into account that it takes about 10-15 minutes time to get to the office.
access by public transport
Our office can be reached by tram or bus. Going by bus, get off at "Wierzbowa" stop. If you are traveling by tram, we recommend you get off near Galeria Dominikańska or at "Park Staromiejski" stop. When planning your arrival time, please take into account that it takes about 10 minutes to walk to the office.
Nasulicz i Nosow Stomatologia office is located on the ground floor of the AbsyntApart building. The entrance is situated at the back of the building.