Julia Nosow, DDS

Specialty: orthodontics

Julia Nosow is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Medical Academy in Białystok (2001). The main area of ​​her professional development is orthodontics. She gained knowledge and skills in this field at the Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic).

In her practice, she uses innovative solutions in digital orthodontics using DSD (Digital Smile Design). A certified doctor of the world-class leading orthodontic system.

Consistent improvement and openness to new technologies bring the effect of satisfied patients for whom not only a healthy and beautiful smile is important, but above all comfort and individually tailored solutions.

Dr Julia Nosow's patients appreciate openness and taking into account their preferences and expectations at every stage of the therapeutic process, which is possible thanks to building a professional relationship based on trust and respect.

Wierzbowa 3
+48 602 126 472
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