We will help you to achieve a beautiful and healthy smile along with modern methods of orthodontic treatment.
Correct bite is not only a nice smile. It also affects human health (e.g. headaches or the condition of the spine) and general well-being. At Nasulicz & Nosow Digital Dentistry Centre, the Patient has access to orthodontic treatment with the use of aligners. Dr Julia Nosow is an expert with vast experience in orthodontic treatment with the use of aligners. Each orthodontic treatment is preceded by a very thorough diagnosis and analysis of the condition of the oral cavity and the Patient's conditions. This allows to plan orthodontic treatment well and choose the best possible method for a given malocclusion. It is important not only to achieve a visual effect, but also to carry out the treatment so as not to overload the body. Here, the doctor's knowledge and experience go hand in hand with scientific achievements and modern technology.
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